Mass edit select grids

In some form grids and reference lists, you can bulk update records within the grid.


You can quickly identify a grid with mass update option by the Select and Actions buttons that appear above the grid and the selection boxes included at the beginning of each grid or list view row.

To perform a mass update, complete the following steps.

  1. Open the form containing the grid to mass update.
    • If you make any changes to the form, save them before continuing.
  2. Scroll down to the grid to update.

  3. Select the items in the grid to be updated.

  4. In the left column, manually check the records to update, or make your selections using Select. (See Mass updates and mass actions )
  5. To launch the update stepper modal, click Actions, then Edit.
  6. Update one or more of the fields, then click Next.


    If you wish to reset a drop down or check box to blank/empty, click Undo . to clear the entry.

  7. Click Save.

Some of the items that include grids that can be mass updated are listed below.

  • Forms:

    • CME by Event (Attendance grid)

    • Comm. & Assign: Meeting and Attendance (Attendance grid)

    • Committee Setup (Members grid)

    • Credentialing Group (Providers grid)

    • Group Practices (Addresses tab > Providers grid > Address Type field)

  • Reference lists: Assignment Types (Officer's grid)

  • System forms: Security Manager